Singapore,Singapore 20th Apr 2025
International Conference on Logistics and Business Management
Call for Paper
Conference topics are dealing, but not limited to
- Transportation issues
- Supply chain resilience in disruptive times
- In-plant logistics
- Digital supply chain
- Route optimisation
- Distribution design models
- Retail supply chains
- E-commerce supply chain
- Big Data in supply chain
- Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence in supply chain
- Innovative forms of distribution channels
- Spatial development of retail and logistics capacities
- Production and distribution of food products
- Efficiency in logistics
- International and regional value chains and networks – logistical point of view
- IT in supply chain management
- Business logistics as a function of international exchange improvement
- Financial flows in value chains
- Sustainability in logistics
- Green supply chain management
- Inventory management issues
- Challenges of demand management
- Contemporary warehousing trends
- Educational challenges in business logistics and supply chain management
- Theory of business logistics and supply chain management
- Supply chain risk management
- Reverse logistics and closed-loop supply chains
- Outsourcing in logistics
- Omnichannel supply chains
- Relationships management and trust in supply chain management
- Global logistics
- Forecasting
- Blockchain in logistics and supply chain management
- Automation and robotics in supply chain
- Humanitarian logistics
- Supply chain management in Central and Eastern Europe
- Logistics innovations
- Supply chain integration
- Supply chain workforce challenges
- Supply chain planning
- Lean and agile supply chains
- Elastic logistics
- Transparency in supply chains
- Standard certification in supply chains
- After-sales logistics services and operations
- Computer Modeling in Logistics Engineering
- Computer Networks and logistics
- Data mining Technology in Logistics Industries
- Decision Support Systems and Communication Technologies
- Design and Organization of Supply Chains
- E-business and implications on Supply Chains
- Environmental Sustainability and Green Logistics
- Global Outsourcing and its impact on customer service
- Green Logistics and Emergency Logistics
- Information and Systems Security
- Information Systems Integration
- International Logistics and Regional logistics
- International Supply Chain Networks
- Logistics in the Service Sector
- Logistics Management Information System
- Logistics Planning and Control Models
- Logistics Planning and Policy
- Logistics System Optimization
- Management of the Customer-Supplier Relationship
- Massive Storage and Data Management
- Model, analysis and optimization with logistic issue
- Optimization Algorithm
- Production planning and control
- Reverse Logistics Scheduling
- Servitisation and its impact on global logistics
- Simulation and Application
- Software Agent based Systems in Logistics
- Supplier Involvement in Product Development
- Supply Chain Dynamics and Inventory Management
- Supply chain inter-firm networks and collaboration
- Supply Chain Management and Modeling
- Supply Chain Performance Assessment
- Supply chains skills, capability development and educations
- Traffic and transportation
- Transport and Distribution Logistics
- Warehouse management system
- Web Services Model and Application
- Web-based Interactions and Transactions in Supply Chains